Friday, January 10, 2014

It's 2014; the year of the horse ♡

I know that it's already the 10th day of the year, but HELLO 2014!

You will be good; way better than last year! I can feel it already. 

2013 was an amazing year. The main highlight was finally passing my Fundamental Levels of ACCA after umpteen years of attempt! Well, of course there were more amazing moments throughout the year like anniversary with the boy, birthdays, spending quality time with family and friends who came home for a holiday from the overseas, Christmas, NYE, etc.. It was indeed a good year and I have no complaints :)

2014 started off with a baking session with my aunt. Everything was done by myself with the supervision of my aunt and for the first time, everything tasted pretty good. *selfpraisemode* The next few days were outings with loved ones and closest friends, followed by friends from KL who visited Penang. Oh oh, the boy and I reached our 71th month together on the 4th; which is just one month away from our 6th year together. I can't wait! My 2014 started out pretty well, so I guess the rest of the year should be good too! :p

Straits Quay | Fireworks ushering into 2014 

Anyway, everyone had made their new year resolutions but I was too lazy to think of it. However, I think I should do it now and try to keep to it. So, here are my 10 resolutions for 2014:

Resolution #1
To get a job I like with a decent amount of salary and allowances. It's time for me to find a job since I have already finished my course. 

Resolution #2
Workout. If I want to wear those sexy figure-hugging clothings without my bigass tummy and no ass showing, WORKOUT. If I want to wear tanks, bandeau, toga, and halter tops without my collarbone bulging out and boney arms showing, WORKOUT. 

Resolution #3
Wear those pesky retainers and continue my bite and tongue exercise. My parents spent way TOO much money to straighten my teeth! All money and time will be wasted if my teeth becomes crooked and ugly again. 

Resolution #4
Eat healthy. Reduce the amount of junk food I consume and drink more water. Eat more salads and lean meat. Less oily food.

Resolution #5
Spend less time on social media and more time on educational websites. No more counting likes on Instagram and Facebook. It is such a waste of time.

Resolution #6
Less impulsive buying. Buy only what is necessary but it's okay to splurge on something I like once in a while. I've bought a whole lot of unnecessary stuff in 2013!

Resolution #7
Be independent and take risks. I was just talking to dad about these problems I frequently encounter and he told me that it is okay to take risks, but it must not be a blinded risk; and I have a place to fall back if something happens. However, I need to stop relying on everyone to do things for me. So, I will try to be more independent and to take calculated risks whether it is regarding a job, decision or my life. 

Resolution #8
Travel outside Malaysia at least once this year! Does not matter if it is Thailand or Singapore of Indonesia, just travel to explore the world!

Resolution #9
Grow closer to God. I think I have drifted too much last year and I have been too distant from God, yet he still blessed me with overflowing goodness throughout 2013. 

Resolution #10
Let go. This is the one thing I have not done in 2013. I have been grudging and holding on to the past and it affected me quite badly to the point my heart hurt. Seeing her brings back so much painful shit I had gone through in mid 2012. It has been more than a year and it is still haunting me. I guess for 2014, I must learn how to let go of the past and stop it from affecting me so that I can move on with life. 

Let's try to keep to our own resolutions, shall we? Cheers to a good year ahead, cheers to 2014!

♥ Jocelyn L.

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